Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Journal of Periodontology (JOP)
Title: Journal of Periodontology.
Publication info: Chicago, IL: American Academy of Periodontology.
Frequency: Monthly
Other forms: Also available online. (1999 - ) (and some highly cited articles pre-1999
Author: American Academy of Periodontology.
ISSN: 0022-3492
Library In-Print:
v.76, no.1 (2005:Jan.) - v.76, no.6 (2005:Jun.);
v.76, no.8 (2005:Aug.) - v.77, no.10 (2006:Oct.);
v.77, no.12 (2006:Dec.) - v.81, no.7 (2010:Jul.);
v.81, no.9 (2010:Sep.) -
Library Online:
Full text online available on UCDH school computers only (1999 - present)
Journal of Dental Education (JDE)
Title: Journal of Dental Education.
Publication info: Washington, DC: American Dental Education Association.
Frequency: Monthly
Other forms: Also available online. (2001- )
Author: American Dental Education Association.
ISSN: 0022-0337
Library In-Print:
v.65, no.2 (2001:Feb.) - v.65, no.8 (2001:Aug.);
v.66, no.2 (2002:Feb.) - v.66, no.6 (2002:Jun.);
v.68, no.3 (2004:Mar.) - v.68, no.4 (2004:Apr.);
v.68, no.6 (2004:Jun.);
v.68, no.8 (2004:Aug.) - v.69, no.8 (2005:Aug.);
v.69, no.10 (2005:Oct.) - v.71, no.7 (2007:Jul.);
v.71, no.9 (2007:Sep.) -
Library Online:
Full text online free (2001 - ), except most recent year
Access most recent year with student ADEA account (sign up as a student through UCDH institutional membership)
Monday, May 9, 2011
Dental Economics
Title: Dental Economics.
Publication info: Tulsa, OK: PennWell.
Frequency: Monthly
Other forms: Also available online.
Author: PennWell.
ISSN: 0011-8583
Library In-Print:
v.96, no.9 (2006:Sep.) - v.97, no.10 (2007:Oct.);
v.97, no.12 (2007:Dec.) -
Library Online:
Available through LIRN (ProQuest Health & Medical Complete) (1999 - )
Journal of Dental Research (JDR)
Title: Journal of Dental Research.
Publication info: Alexandria, VA: International Association for Dental Research.
Frequency: Monthly
Other forms: Also available online. (1919- )
Author: International Association for Dental Research. American Association for Dental Research.
ISSN: 0022-0345
Library In-Print:
v.81, no.5 (2002:May) - v.83, no.3 (2004:Mar.);
Library Online:
Full text online free except most recent year (1919 - present)
Access most recent year through LIRN (ProQuest Health & Medical Complete) (1996 - present)
Journal of Dental Hygiene (JDH)
Title: Journal of Dental Hygiene.
Publication info: Chicago, IL: American Dental Hygienists' Association.
Frequency: 4 times a year.
Other forms: Also available online. (2004- )
Author: American Dental Hygienists' Association.
ISSN: 1553-020
Library In-Print:
v.67, no.5 (1993:Jul./Aug.);
v.68, no.3 (1994:May/Jun.) - v.68, no.6 (1994:Nov./Dec.);
v.69, no.3 (1995:May/Jun.) - v.70, no.1 (1996:Jan./Feb.);
v.75, no.1 (2001:Winter) - v.78, no.2 (2004:Spring);
v.83, no.3 (2009:Summer) - v.84, no.4 (2010:Fall);
Library Online:
Access using ADHA student membership ID (log in from ADHA website) (from 2004 - present)
Access through LIRN using student login (Gale Health and Wellness Resource Ctr) (from 1996 - present)
Access: The Newsmagazie of the America Dental Hygienists' Association
Title: Access : The Newsmagazine of the American Dental Hygienists' Association.
Publication info: Chicago, Ill. : American Dental Hygienists' Association
Current frequency: 10 times a year (monthly except May/Jun and Sep/Oct)
Other forms: Some issues available online.
Author: American Dental Hygienists' Association.
ISSN: 1050-0758
Library In-Print:
v.15, no.8 (2001:Sep./Oct.) - v.16, no.7 (2002:Aug.);
v.16, no. 9 (2002:Nov.) - v.16, no. 10 (2002:Dec.);
v.17, no.2 (2003:Feb.) - v.19, no.7 (2005:Aug.);
v.19, no.9 (2005:Nov.) - v.23, no. 4 (2009:Apr.);
v.23, no.6 (2009:Jul.) - v.24, no.7 (2010:Aug.);
v.24, no.9 (2010:Nov) -
Library Online:
Access through LIRN (Gale Health Reference Center Academic) (2007 - present)
Select issues available free at ADHA Access site.
Journal of Orofacial Pain
Title: Journal of Orofacial Pain.
Publication info: Carol Stream, IL: Quintessence Publishing Co.
Frequency: 4 times a year.
Other forms: Also available online. (1993- )
Author: American Academy of Orofacial Pain.
ISSN: 1064-6655
Library In-Print:
v.16, no.1 (2002:Winter) - v.17, no.4 (2003:Fall);
v.18, no.4 (2004:Fall);
International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry
Title: The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry.
Publication info: Carol Stream, IL: Quintessence Publishing Co.
Frequency: 6 times a year.
Other forms: Also available online. (1992- ) (UCDH has no current subscription.)
Author: Quintessence Publishing Co.
ISSN: 0198-7569
Library In-Print:
v.22, no.1 (2002:Feb.) - v.23, no.3 (2003:Jun.);
Publication info: Carol Stream, IL: Quintessence Publishing Co.
Frequency: 6 times a year.
Other forms: Also available online. (1992- ) (UCDH has no current subscription.)
Author: Quintessence Publishing Co.
ISSN: 0198-7569
Library In-Print:
v.22, no.1 (2002:Feb.) - v.23, no.3 (2003:Jun.);
Inside Dentistry
Title: Inside Dentistry.
Publication info: Newtown,, PA: AEGIS Publications, Inc.
Frequency: 10 times a year. (Monthly except Jul/Aug and Nov/Dec.)
Other forms: Also available online. (2005- )
Author: AEGIS Publications, Inc.
ISSN: 1555-7979
Library In-Print:
v.2, no.1 (2006:Jan./Feb.) - v.5, no.9 (2009:Oct.);
v.6, no.1 (2010:Jan.) - v.6, no.5 (2010:May);
v.6, no.7 (2010:Jul./Aug.) - v.6, no.8 (2010:Sep.);
v.6, no.10 (2010:Nov./Dec.) - v.7, no.3 (2011:Mar.);
v.7, no.5 (2011:May) -
Grand Rounds in Oral-Systemic Medicine
Title: Grand Rounds in Oral-Systemic Medicine.
Publication info: Tulsa, OK: PennWell.
Frequency: Four times a year.
Other forms: Also available online. (2006-2007)
Author: PennWell.
ISSN: 1559-6133
Library In-Print:
v.1, no.1 (2006:Feb.) - v.2, no.3 (2007:Sep.);
Publication info: Tulsa, OK: PennWell.
Frequency: Four times a year.
Other forms: Also available online. (2006-2007)
Author: PennWell.
ISSN: 1559-6133
Library In-Print:
v.1, no.1 (2006:Feb.) - v.2, no.3 (2007:Sep.);
Endodontics: Colleagues for Excellence
Title: Endodontics: Colleagues for Excellence.
Publication info: Chicago, IL: American Association of Endodontists.
Frequency: Twice a year.
Other forms: Also available online. (2002- )
Author: American Association of Endodontists.
Library In-Print:
(2007:Winter) - (2008:Summer);
(2009:Fall) - (2010:Fall);
Endodontic Therapy
Title: Endodontic Therapy: Enhancing communication between general practitioners, endodontists, and manufacturers.
Publication info: Mahwah, NJ: Montage Media Corporation.
Frequency: Twice a year
Other forms: None.
Author: Montage Media Corporation.
Library In-Print:
v.2, no.1 (2002:Spring) - v.6, no.2 (2006:Winter);
v.7, no.2 (2007:Winter);
Publication info: Mahwah, NJ: Montage Media Corporation.
Frequency: Twice a year
Other forms: None.
Author: Montage Media Corporation.
Library In-Print:
v.2, no.1 (2002:Spring) - v.6, no.2 (2006:Winter);
v.7, no.2 (2007:Winter);
Title: Hygienetown.
Publication info: Phoenix, AZ: Farran Media, LLC.
Frequency: Monthly
Other forms: Also available online. (2005- )
Author: Farran Media, LLC.
ISSN: 1555-3248
Library In-Print:
v.1, no.1 (2005:Jan.) - v.1, no.7 (2005:Jul.);
v.1, no.9 (2005:Sep.) - v.2, no.1 (2006:Jan.);
v.2, no.3 (2006:Mar.) - v.5, no.1 (2009:Jan/Feb.);
Dimensions of Dental Hygiene
Title: Dimensions of Dental Hygiene.
Publication info: Santa Ana, CA: Belmont Publications, Inc.
Frequency: Monthly
Other forms: Also available online. (2003- )
Author: Belmont Publications, Inc.
ISSN: 1542-7838
Library In-Print:
v.1, no.1 (2003:Feb./Mar.) - v.3, no.1 (2005:Jan.);
v.3, no.4 (2005:Apr.) -
Dentistry Today
Title: Dentistry Today.
Publication info: Fairfield, NJ: Dentistry Today, Inc.
Frequency: Monthly
Other forms: Some available online. (2010- )
Author: Dentistry Today, Inc.
ISSN: 8750-2186
Library In-Print:
v.19, no.1 (2000:Jan.);
v.21, no.2 (2002:Feb.);
v.21, no.6 (2002:Jun.);
v.23, no.5 (2004:May) - v.23, no.9 (2004:Sep.);
v.23, no.12 (2004:Dec.) - v.24, no.3 (2005:Mar.);
v.24, no.5 (2005:May) - v.25, no.1 (2006:Jan.);
v.26, no.2 (2007:Feb.);
v.26, no.6 (2007:Jun.);
v.26, no.9 (2007:Sep.) - v.27, no.1 (2008:Jan.);
v.27, no.3 (2008:Mar.) - v.28, no.10 (2009:Oct.);
v.29, no.8 (2010:Aug.) - v.30, no. 1 (2011:Jan.);
v.31, no.3 (2011:Mar.) -
Title: Dentaltown.
Publication info: Phoenix, AZ: Dentaltown.com, Inc.
Frequency: Monthly
Other forms: Also available online.
Author: Dentaltown.com, Inc.
ISSN: 1073-578x
Library In-Print:
v.5, no.6 (2004:Jun.) -
Dental Products Report
Title: Dental Products Report.
Publication info: Northfield, Ill.:Advanstar Communications, Inc..
Frequency: Monthly
Other forms: Also available online.
Author: Advanstar Communications, Inc.
ISSN: 0011-8737
Library In-Print:
v.38, no.3 (2004:Mar.) - v.38, no.6 (2004:Jun.);
v.38, no.10 (2004:Oct.);
v.39, no.2 (2005:Feb.);
v.39, no.5 (2005:May) - v.44, no.11 (2010:Nov.);
v.45, no.2 (2011:Feb) -
Library Online:
Available through LIRN (ProQuest Health & Medical Complete) (2000 - )
Dental Practice Report
Title: Dental Practice Report.
Publication info: Northfield, Ill.:Advanstar Communications, Inc..
Frequency: 10 times a year (monthly except Jan/Feb and Jul/Aug)
Other forms: none.
Author: Advanstar Communications, Inc.
ISSN: 1078-1250
Library In-Print:
v.8, no.4 (2000:May);
v.8, no.6 (2000:Jul./Aug.) - v.8, no.9 (2000:Nov.);
v.9, no.1 (2001:Jan./Feb.) - v.10, no.6 (2002:Jul./Aug.);
v.10, no.10 (2002:Dec.) - v.11, no.4 (2003:May);
v.11, no.7 (2003:Sep.) - v.12, no.8 (2004:Oct.);
v.12, no.10 (2004:Dec.) - v.14, no.3 (2006:Mar.);
v.14, no. 5 (2006:May) - v.14, no.8 (2006:Aug.);
v.14, no.10 (2006:Oct.);
v.15, no.4 (2007:Apr.) - v.15, no.7 (2007:Jul.);
v.15, no.12 (2007:Dec.)
Publication info: Northfield, Ill.:Advanstar Communications, Inc..
Frequency: 10 times a year (monthly except Jan/Feb and Jul/Aug)
Other forms: none.
Author: Advanstar Communications, Inc.
ISSN: 1078-1250
Library In-Print:
v.8, no.4 (2000:May);
v.8, no.6 (2000:Jul./Aug.) - v.8, no.9 (2000:Nov.);
v.9, no.1 (2001:Jan./Feb.) - v.10, no.6 (2002:Jul./Aug.);
v.10, no.10 (2002:Dec.) - v.11, no.4 (2003:May);
v.11, no.7 (2003:Sep.) - v.12, no.8 (2004:Oct.);
v.12, no.10 (2004:Dec.) - v.14, no.3 (2006:Mar.);
v.14, no. 5 (2006:May) - v.14, no.8 (2006:Aug.);
v.14, no.10 (2006:Oct.);
v.15, no.4 (2007:Apr.) - v.15, no.7 (2007:Jul.);
v.15, no.12 (2007:Dec.)
Contemporary Oral Hygiene
Title: Contemporary Oral Hygiene.
Publication info: Newtown, PA: AEGIS Communications
Frequency: Monthly
Other forms: Also available online.
Author: AEGIS Communications.
Library In-Print:
v.1, no.1 (2001:Sep.) - v.4, no.7 (2004:Jul.);
v.4, no.9 (2004:Sep.) - v.4, no.11 (2004:Nov.);
v.5, no.1 (2005:Jan.);
v.5, no.10 (2005:Oct.);
v.7, no.5 (2007:May) - v.7, no,7 (2007:Jul.);
Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry
Title: Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry.
Publication info: Newtown, PA : AEGIS Communications
Current frequency: 9 times a year (monthly except Jan/Feb, Jul/Aug, and Nov/Dec)
Other forms: Also available online.
Author: AEGIS Communications.
ISSN:1548-8578 Print, 2158-1797 Online (0894-1009 before 2011)
Library In-Print:
v.21, no.1 (2000:Jan.);
v.21, no.12 (2000:Dec.) - v.22, no. 1 (2001:Jan.);
v.22, no.4 (2001:Apr.);
v.22, no.9 (2001:Sep.);
v.23, no.9, supplement 1 (2002:Sep.);
v.24, no.11 (2003:Nov.) - v.24, no.11, supplement 1 (2003:Nov.);
v.25, no.9, supplement 1 (2004:Sep.);
v.26, no.4 (2005:Apr.) - v.31, no.4 (2010:May);
v.31, no.6 (2010:Jul./Aug.) -
Contemporary Esthetics & Restorative Practice
Title: Contemporary Esthetics & Restorative Practice.
Publication info: Overland, KS: Ascend Media
Current frequency: varies
Other forms: None.
Author: Ascend Media.
Library In-Print:
v.2, no.6 (1998:Nov./Dec.) - v.2, no.6, supplement (1998:Nov./Dec.);
v.3, no.5 (1999:May) - v.4, no.3 (2000:Mar.);
v.4, no.11 (2000:Nov./Dec.);
v.8, no.9 (2004:Sep.);
v.9, no.4 (2005:Apr.) - v.9, no.7 (2005:Jul.);
v.9, no.9 (2005:Sep.) - v.10, no.5 (2006:May);
v.10, no.7 (2006:Jul.) - v.10, no.12 (2006:Dec.);
v.11, no.2 (2007:Feb.) - v.11, no.3 (2007:Mar.);
v.11, no.6 (2007:Jun.) - v.11, no.7 (2007:Jul.);
v.11, no.12 (2007:Dec.)
Publication info: Overland, KS: Ascend Media
Current frequency: varies
Other forms: None.
Author: Ascend Media.
Library In-Print:
v.2, no.6 (1998:Nov./Dec.) - v.2, no.6, supplement (1998:Nov./Dec.);
v.3, no.5 (1999:May) - v.4, no.3 (2000:Mar.);
v.4, no.11 (2000:Nov./Dec.);
v.8, no.9 (2004:Sep.);
v.9, no.4 (2005:Apr.) - v.9, no.7 (2005:Jul.);
v.9, no.9 (2005:Sep.) - v.10, no.5 (2006:May);
v.10, no.7 (2006:Jul.) - v.10, no.12 (2006:Dec.);
v.11, no.2 (2007:Feb.) - v.11, no.3 (2007:Mar.);
v.11, no.6 (2007:Jun.) - v.11, no.7 (2007:Jul.);
v.11, no.12 (2007:Dec.)
Contemporary Dental Assisting (AKA Inside Dental Assisting)
Title: Contemporary Dental Assisting. [Currently published as Inside Dental Assisting.]
Publication info: Newtown, PA: AEGIS Communications
Current frequency: 6 times a year (bi-monthly)
Other forms: Also available online.
Author: AEGIS Communications.
ISSN:1556-5521 (1554-8805 before 2008)
Library In-Print:
v.1, no.4 (2004:Dec.);
v.2, no.2 (2005:Apr.) - v.3, no.1 (2006:Feb.);
v.3, no.3 (2006:Jun.) - v.4, no.6 (2007:Nov./Dec.)
Aesthetic Dentistry
Title: Aesthetic Dentistry : technology and trends in the field of aesthetic dentistry.
Publication info: Orem, Ut.: Centennial Publishing, Inc.
Current frequency: 4 times a year
Other forms: Some issues available online.
Author: Centennial Publishing, Inc.
Library In-Print:
v.5, no.3 (2006:Summer) - v.8, no.2 (2009:Summer);
American Dental Association News (ADA News)
Title: American Dental Association News.
Publication info: Chicago, Ill. : American Dental Association
Current frequency: 22 times a year (twice a month except Jul and Dec)
Other forms: Also available online.
Author: American Dental Association.
ISSN: 0895-2930
Library In-Print:
v.39, no.1 (2008:January 7) - v.41, no.5 (2010:March 1);
v.41, no.7 (2010:April 5) - v.41, no.17 (2010:September 20);
v.41, no. 19 (2010:October 18) -
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