Monday, May 9, 2011

Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry

Title: Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry.
Publication info: Newtown, PA : AEGIS Communications
Current frequency: 9 times a year (monthly except Jan/Feb, Jul/Aug, and Nov/Dec)
Other forms: Also available online.
Author: AEGIS Communications.
ISSN:1548-8578 Print, 2158-1797 Online (0894-1009 before 2011)

Library In-Print:
v.21, no.1 (2000:Jan.);
v.21, no.12 (2000:Dec.) - v.22, no. 1 (2001:Jan.);
v.22, no.4 (2001:Apr.);
v.22, no.9 (2001:Sep.);
v.23, no.9, supplement 1 (2002:Sep.);
v.24, no.11 (2003:Nov.) - v.24, no.11, supplement 1 (2003:Nov.);
v.25, no.9, supplement 1 (2004:Sep.);
v.26, no.4 (2005:Apr.) - v.31, no.4 (2010:May);
v.31, no.6 (2010:Jul./Aug.) -

1 comment:

  1. I know that it is really important that all professionals always get their dental ce training specially when their state board requires it as it is one of the keys to success.
