Online Searching - PubMed

[PubMed is a public access database that “comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.”]

-Access PubMed through the above link to show the tags for UCDH library holdings, after you click on a specific article’s link or if you change the "Display Settings" to Abstract

-To limit your search to only what is available through the library (online or in print), add the following words to the search box after your search terms: AND loprovutucdhllib [filter]
-Clicking on will take you to the online version of the journal, usually allowing you to access the full-text of the article right away (some exceptions apply, including articles in the Journal of Dental Hygiene and the Journal of Dental Education – to access these click on the links)
You will need to log in to LIRN first to access articles available from ProQuest

Clicking on    will take you to a page describing the location and dates of the library’s print holdings – specific issues may already be checked out, check with the librarian.